
Elul Action for Houston

Friday, 1 September, 2017 - 1:09 pm

Actions speak louder than words! In the month of Elul we are enjoined to engage in sentiments and activities that bring us closer to Hashem and improve our character and spiritual development. One of the areas is Tzedakah. We all know that Tzedakah takes on many forms, financial, personal, emotional, time, intellectual and others.

We need to put our “money” (of all of the above forms) where our mouth is. I am going to leave the profound commentary (and there are some wonderful articles and posts out there) about hurricane relief to others. Let’s cut to the chase. Right now there is a great need for many forms of Tzedakah. It is being organized on many fronts. We had a very productive meeting coordinated by the Federation under the new leadership of Arnie Fielkow this week. Long term and short term strategies were discussed and are already being implemented in coordination with JFNA and Jewish organizations in town.

On the ground in Houston as we speak, Chabad of Texas has organized one of the most energized relief (and rescue) efforts I have ever witnessed. They have been mobilized from the get go organizing direct relief in many forms to those who have been hit by the storm. Meals, supplies, volunteers, financial aid, and every other type of support is being offered to those in the hard hit community.

All of these efforts need support, both financial and man-power & supplies. In the short term I encourage you to, first of all, read about it at and contribute at Secondly, volunteers are needed to continue staffing those relief efforts. Chabad of Houston has reached out to us and asked us to mobilize volunteers for Labor Day weekend (Sunday and Monday). At there is a section for volunteering. Chabad of Baton Rouge and Chabad at Tulane are organizing groups for Sunday as well. We have a few spots in a vehicle leaving Sunday for volunteering. Contact me to get on board.

JFNA in coordination with our local Federation is raising money for the short and long term relief efforts. We all remember how the money raised after Katrina sustained our Jewish community for several years. Our Federation will be coordinating volunteering and relief missions. To participate in the JFNA campaign and to learn about volunteering opportunities,

We must always remember our debt of gratitude to the Houston community for their support to us during and after Hurricane Katrina. It is our time to shine in return.

May the merit of the millions of acts of goodness and kindness bring our world over the threshold of redemption through Mashiach now.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin

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