
The blood of our brothers calls out

Thursday, 15 October, 2015 - 3:27 pm

After Cain murdered Abel, G-d comes to Cain and says “the voice of your brother’s blood calls to me from the earth.” Actually the word blood is rendered in the plural form – “bloods.” Rashi comments that Cain, unsure of from which part the body the soul departs, inflicted many wounds upon his brother.

There are multiple wounds being inflicted on the bodies of our brothers and sisters in Israel. Without question the bloods of our brother are calling out to us from the holy earth into which they have been spilled. While the murder of any person should not be tolerated, when it comes to the blood of my brother I must be moved to move heaven and earth to prevent it. We must heed the call of the blood of our brothers calling out to us.

But what can we do? Not all of us are in positions to physically intervene and protect the innocent blood from being spilled. But each of us wants to and must act. The following is a six point plan – a call to action.

1.      Men: Exercise the right to bare arms and wrap Tefillin!

2.      Ladies: Share the power of the light of Shabbat candles!

3.      Ensure that your (spiritual) security system is installed and up to date (check your Mezuzahs)!

4.      Pray – read a Psalm or prayer for the safety of our mishpacha in the holy land!

5.      Contribute – to organizations that help Terror victims such as or Israel in general.

6.      Share the message: Keep Israel’s story at the frontlines on social media and using any other method at your disposal!

For more info on this campaign – check out

Standing aside and doing nothing is not an option. The Torah instructs us (Leviticus 19:16) that we may not stand aside as the blood of our fellow Jews is being shed. Act now!

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Mendel and Chaya Mushka Ceitlin upon the upshernish of their son, Heschel.

Mazel Tov to Tomer and Michal Monfred upon the birth of their son.


Condolences to Gittel Kaplan and family upon the passing of her mother.

Shabbat Shalom, indeed 

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