Chanukah is around the corner. One of the unique elements of the way we observe Chanukah is that it is supposed to be visible. Our Menorah lights are to be seen by others. Some light in the doorway, others in the window; but the purpose is, to quote our sages, “Pirsumei Nissa – to publicize the miracle.”
Years ago the Rebbe began to advocate that Chabad hold public Menorah lightings (like the one we have here in New Orleans at the Riverwalk on Thurs, Dec 22). Public lightings significantly magnify the Pirsumei Nissa effect. A spin off of that idea is the Chabad Mobile Menorah Parade that is held all over the world. Electric Menorahs are mounted onto the roofs of cars and a parade of those cars rides around the city. Here in New Orleans we have been parading for over 10 years. Being in parade city, we do things a little different than everywhere else. We throw dreidels and gelt to the bystanders. Back before Katrina we even had Mardi Gras World design a float for the parade. Over the last few years, in addition to uptown, downtown, French Quarter, we have expanded our route to include a few blocks of Frenchman St. in the Marigny.
This year Mardi Gras Zone has produced the Happy Chanukah from Chabad beads, which we will be throwing at this year’s parade on Tuesday, Dec 20. If you would like to participate there are two options. Option one is to purchase a Car Menorah. Option two is to purchase a Chanukah flag. The menorahs go for $225 plus shipping. He flags are $10. For more info or to purchase a Menorah or flag, please contact [email protected].
This past weekend I attended the annual Chabad Shluchim Conference in New York, along with several thousand colleagues from around the world. (Photo credit Shmais News Service.)There were many wonderful moments and experiences, but here is one I would like to share with you. At the banquet, Rabbi Dr. Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the UK, delivered a superb address. It has been captured on video and can be viewed at
I would like to highlight two adult education opportunities coming up in the next two weeks. The first is Lunch N Learn this Tuesday, Dec 6 – 12 PM @ New York Camera – 705 Canal St. The topic is The One Percent: A Torah Perspective on Distribution and Redistribution of Wealth. Lunch is served and the class is open to all. [email protected].
The second is Kabbala for Young Jewish Professionals on Tuesday, Dec 13 – 8 PM @ the home of Peter Seltzer - 1720 Second St. The topic is The Kabbala of the Shema. The class is open to all Young Jewish Professionals. [email protected].
Mazel Tov to Tzivya (Kehaty) and Shloime Greenwald upon the birth of their daughter, Shoshana Shifra. A special Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Uzzi and Rivka Kehaty.
Wishing you a good Shabbos!
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin