One of the most challenging states is the state of confusion or chaos. A lack of clarity and direction can be one of the most destabilizing feelings in a person's life. What do we, as Jewish people, do when we are facing this sort of destabilization?
We are living in a time in which confusion reigns supreme. Of course, Hashem runs the world, but we are meant to live in it. We think about issues that are near and dear to us such as Israel, and there is a deafening cacophony of messages being screamed at us from all sides. Some are insidious. Some are clueless. Some are well-intentioned. Some sound thoughtful and convincing. Some are infuriating. Some are guilt inducing. Some come from enemies. Some come from friends. Some come from “experts.” How do we know which message is correct? How do we sift through the confusion on Israel?
We turn to the Torah, which King David (Psalms 119:105) describes as, “a lamp for my foot, and light for my path.” As mentioned many times, the Rebbe emphasizes that the Torah is Torah of light, Torah of life, and Torah of truth. The Torah’s message about a particular issue is meant to be an illuminated guide for life infused with truth.
The Israel issue is no different. It would be foolish to think that G-d would leave an issue as important as Jewish lives in the land of Israel for us to feel around in the dark until we figure out the correct answer. When it comes to Israel the Torah is “a lamp for my foot, and light for my path.” We are given clarity and direction that is meant to shape the outcome in a manner that is positive and lifesaving for involved parties. After all, we are all created in G-d’s image, and He values the lives and contributions of each one of us.
So what does the Torah say about Israel and the conflict? The truth is that you don’t have to look far. There are a number of key principles, that when followed, light, life, and truth emerge. What are they, you ask?
I invite you to join me for an important seminar during which we will lay out these principles. How Israel Wins? Sunday, August 4. The seminar will run for two hours beginning at 1:30 pm and is preceded by a Fish-Fry lunch at 12:30 pm. For more information or to register, go to
Become informed. Knowledge is power. Torah is light, life, and truth. You will come away from this seminar with a feeling of greater clarity on this issue that is so critical in our time.
Speaking of issues that are critical for our time, I encourage you also to sign up for Survival Through Song – An Evening with Holocaust Survivor Saul Dreier on August 14 at the JPAC. For more information or to register, go to
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin