
Change We Can Believe In

Friday, 16 April, 2021 - 6:12 pm

Think about everything that you would like to see changed in our world.

Think about a world where there is no illness or suffering.

Think about a world where there is no hunger or poverty.

Think about a world where there is no discrimination or exploitation.

Think about a world where there is no war or hatred.

Think about a world where there is an abundance of resources for all.

Think about a world where good-heartedness is the norm.

Think about a world where there are limitless possibilities for meaning and growth.

Think about a world where all of existence pulsates with a singular striving – to be one with the Creator.

Think about a world where the Creator is no longer concealed within the artistic drapes of His handiwork.

You have been thinking about the world of Redemption through the coming of Moshiach.

What we described is what our sages call Tikkun Olam – perfecting the universe under the Sovereignty of the Al-mighty.

How do we get there? What can we do to advance the process and bring our world to that state? For this we must become informed. We must explore what our sacred sources reveal about that time and the path that leads us to it. Then we must begin to live in that mode. All of what we described is within the reach of each of us, in our little corner of the universe. We start with ourselves and our immediate surroundings; and then a groundswell of transformation occurs, propelling our world into Redemption. This is the change we can believe in!

Join us in exploring this further and become a part of the solution. The new Jewish Learning Institute course entitled: This CAN Never Happen, launches later this month. For the uptown course information and schedule – I look forward to having a motivated group of folks who will engage in a spirited conversation about these important ideas. For the Metairie course info and schedule –

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin

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