
Roving Rabbis Make a Splash in Shreveport

Friday, 24 July, 2015 - 3:39 pm

In the summer of 1992 I traveled with two friends, Perry Lew and Mendy Schapiro, to Shreveport as part of a program called Merkos Shlichus, in which Rabbinical students visited smaller Jewish communities all over the world each summer. You can read more about that here:

At the time we connected with a wonderful young couple, Sue and Harry Muslow, who hosted us during our stay and helped us meet many members of the Shreveport Jewish community. They subsequently left Shreveport and eventually made Aliyah. We stayed in touch with them over the years. Fast forward to 2015. The Muslow’s oldest daughter, Sarida, who was a toddler at the time of our visit, has moved back to Shreveport. Over the past few months we have been in touch regarding various ways that Chabad of Louisiana can help enhance Jewish life in Shreveport. Sarida and her boyfriend Connor Brown have been very active in creating Jewish programs for young adults in the community.

Last week two Rabbinic interns, Zushe Rivkin and Mendy Wilschanski – who are part of the Roving Rabbis project (the modern incarnation of Merkos Shlichus) – spent a week in Shreveport. With Sarida facilitating, along with help from Connor, Chaim and Shifra Stitzer and Avi and Mimi Amsalem, a beautiful week of Jewish enrichment took place. Gatherings each night. A lovely Shabbat, complete with services, meals and a lot of singing and inspiration. Home and business visits. Teffilin and Shabbat candles. Young people experiencing Shabbat in a way that they had not previously. The “Shreveport six” and the two Yeshiva boys made a real splash. They met with Synagogue and community leadership, made friendships and even a future Torah learning partnership. Some photos can be viewed below or at

A great Yasher koach to Sarida and the rest of the crew for an amazing job. Thank you to Zushe and Mendy for their efforts. A friendship of 23 years continues to bear wonderful fruit. We look forward to much more in the years to come. We wish Dr. Harry and Sue Muslow and Dr. Ike and Berte Muslow much nachas (Jewish pride and joy) from Sarida and the great things she is doing for the young Jews of Shreveport.

Condolences to the family of Mrs. Miriam Greenwald, who passed away this week. Before her final illness Mrs. Greenwald was a regular at the monthly Shmoozing with the Rabbi program at Lambeth House. We also got to know her son Joe on his visits from Vermont. May Hashem comfort the family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Wishing you a Tisha B’av that is transformed into joy with the coming of Moshiach!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin

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