Yesterday we were victorious in a major lawsuit and I am inviting each of you to join us for the victory party next week, complete with a parade and everything. The trial lasted 10 days and verdict was unanimous in our favor. You still don’t know what I am talking about?
I refer to the trial known as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when we are all on trial before the Ultimate Judge. The Midrash relates that one of the reasons for the Mitzvah of shaking the Lulav on Sukkot is that they serve as props in the victory parade following the victory on Yom Kippur against our accusers. Forget coconuts or shoes, this parade features the Etrog – a fruit that can easily cost $50-100.
Indeed the festival of Sukkot is (among other things) a time to celebrate the victory and vindication on Yom Kippur. The climax of this celebration is Simchat Torah – the purest form of Simcha – joy in Judaism.
Actually if one observes or marks the Days of Awe but neglects to participate in the victory party of Sukkot and Simchat Torah they are missing the point. It may be likened to a bride checking out after the Chuppah and skipping the wedding reception.
So let’s keep our Jewish antennae up for a while longer. This time we celebrate our Jewishness not through seriousness but through joy.
In addition to the important Mitzvot of Lulav and Etrog and eating in the Sukkah, which are relevant the entire week of Sukkot, I also wish to highlight two celebrations. The first is Sukkah-Fest 2015 – being held next Thursday afternoon, October 1 5:30-7:30 PM at 919 Broadway. The Second is Simchat Torah Hakafot on Monday night, October 5 7:30 PM at both Chabad locations. Look forward to seeing you there!
Have a joyous Sukkot and Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin